Information about Althengstett

If you're new to Germany it might be helpful for you to start with the "manual for Germany".

Althengstett is located in the south-west of Germany on the edge of the Schwarzwald, (Black Forest), a low, wooded mountain range. Calw, about 3 km
away and reachable by local bus service, is the nearby town where the offices of most of the important authorities are located. The closest big towns with companies in the automotive, engineering and computing industries are Böblingen/Sindelfingen, Stuttgart and Pforzheim, and they are all reachable by bus/train from Althengstett.

Althengstett itself is a group made up of the 3 villages called Althengstett, Neuhengstett and Ottenbronn. Almost 8,000 people live here.


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